David James Christle
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Condensed matter physics, quantum information, semiconductor defectsGoogle:
"David Christle"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPaul Adams Crowell | research assistant | 2006-2009 | UMN (Physics Tree) |
David D. Awschalom | grad student | 2009-2016 | Chicago (Physics Tree) |
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Ivády V, Klimov PV, Miao KC, et al. (2017) Erratum: High-Fidelity Bidirectional Nuclear Qubit Initialization in SiC [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 220503 (2016)]. Physical Review Letters. 118: 259903 |
Christle DJ, Klimov PV, de las Casas CF, et al. (2017) Isolated Spin Qubits in SiC with a High-Fidelity Infrared Spin-to-Photon Interface Physical Review X. 7 |
de las Casas CF, Christle DJ, Ul Hassan J, et al. (2017) Stark tuning and electrical charge state control of single divacancies in silicon carbide Applied Physics Letters. 111: 262403 |
Ivády V, Klimov PV, Miao KC, et al. (2016) High-Fidelity Bidirectional Nuclear Qubit Initialization in SiC. Physical Review Letters. 117: 220503 |
Ivády V, Szász K, Falk AL, et al. (2016) Optical Nuclear Spin Polarization of Divacancies in SiC Materials Science Forum. 858: 287-290 |
Klimov PV, Falk AL, Christle DJ, et al. (2015) Quantum entanglement at ambient conditions in a macroscopic solid-state spin ensemble. Science Advances. 1: e1501015 |
Falk AL, Klimov PV, Ivády V, et al. (2015) Optical Polarization of Nuclear Spins in Silicon Carbide. Physical Review Letters. 114: 247603 |
Christle DJ, Falk AL, Andrich P, et al. (2015) Isolated electron spins in silicon carbide with millisecond coherence times. Nature Materials. 14: 160-3 |
Ivády V, Szász K, Falk AL, et al. (2015) Theoretical model of dynamic spin polarization of nuclei coupled to paramagnetic point defects in diamond and silicon carbide Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 92 |
Bassett LC, Heremans FJ, Christle DJ, et al. (2014) Ultrafast optical control of orbital and spin dynamics in a solid-state defect. Science (New York, N.Y.). 345: 1333-7 |