Jonathan P. Schwartz
Affiliations: | Psychological, Health and Learning Sciences | University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States |
"Jonathan Schwartz"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMichael Waldo | grad student | 2001 | New Mexico State (EduTree) | |
(Attachment styles: Relationship to gender role conflict in male college students.) |
Sign in to add traineeAmanda Katherine Broyles | grad student | University of Houston (EduTree) | |
Elizabeth C Gill | grad student | University of Houston | |
Brooke Alexander Williams | grad student | University of Houston (EduTree) | |
Alexandra Michelle Slaughter | grad student | 2016- | University of Houston |
Michael D. Barnett | grad student | 2010 | University of Houston |
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Schwartz JP. (2015) College male sexual assault of women and the psychology of men: A commentary. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 16: 367-369 |
McDermott RC, Schwartz JP, Lindley LD, et al. (2014) Exploring men's homophobia: Associations with religious fundamentalism and gender role conflict domains Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 15: 191-200 |
McDermott RC, Schwartz JP. (2013) Toward a better understanding of emerging adult men's gender role journeys: Differences in age, education, race, relationship status, and sexual orientation. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 14: 202-210 |
Schwartz JP, Kelley FA, Kohli N. (2012) The development and initial validation of the dating attitudes inventory: a measure of the gender context of dating violence in men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 27: 1959-86 |
McDermott RC, Schwartz JP, Trevathan-Minnis M. (2012) Predicting men's anger management: Relationships with gender role journey and entitlement. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 13: 49-64 |
Chapman S, Schwartz JP. (2012) Rejecting the Null: Research and Social Justice Means Asking Different Questions Counseling and Values. 57: 24-30 |
Eby MD, Chin JL, Rollock D, et al. (2011) Professional psychology training in the era of a thousand flowers: Dilemmas and challenges for the future Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 5: 57-68 |
Tsan JY, Day SX, Schwartz JP, et al. (2011) Restrictive Emotionality, BIS, BAS, and Psychological Help-Seeking Behavior Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 12: 260-274 |
Schwartz JP, Grammas DL, Sutherland RJ, et al. (2010) Masculine Gender Roles and Differentiation: Predictors of Body Image and Self-Objectification in Men Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 11: 208-224 |
Schwartz JP, Lindley LD. (2009) Impacting sexism through social justice prevention: implications at the person and environmental levels. The Journal of Primary Prevention. 30: 27-41 |