Nathan Caruana

Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia 
"Nathan Caruana"
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Alhasan A, Caruana N. (2023) Evidence for the adaptive parsing of non-communicative eye movements during joint attention interactions. Peerj. 11: e16363
Caruana N, Nalepka P, Perez GA, et al. (2023) Autistic young people adaptively use gaze to facilitate joint attention during multi-gestural dyadic interactions. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 13623613231211967
Caruana N, Inkley C, Nalepka P, et al. (2021) Gaze facilitates responsivity during hand coordinated joint attention. Scientific Reports. 11: 21037
Caruana N, Alhasan A, Wagner K, et al. (2020) Author accepted manuscript: The effect of non-communicative eye movements on joint attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021820945604
Caruana N, Inkley C, El Zein M. (2020) Gaze direction biases emotion categorisation in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. Cognition. 21: 100181
Caruana N, Inkley C, Zein ME, et al. (2019) No influence of eye gaze on emotional face processing in the absence of conscious awareness. Scientific Reports. 9: 16198
Sutherland CAM, Rhodes G, Williams N, et al. (2019) Appearance-based trust processing in schizophrenia. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Caruana N, McArthur G. (2019) The mind minds minds: The effect of intentional stance on the neural encoding of joint attention. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Caruana N, Stein T, Watson T, et al. (2019) Intact prioritisation of unconscious face processing in schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 1-17
Caruana N, Seymour K, Brock J, et al. (2019) Author accepted manuscript: Responding to Joint Attention Bids in Schizophrenia: An Interactive Eye-Tracking Study. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021819829718
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