Eric Foss
Affiliations: | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States |
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Sign in to add mentorFranklin Stahl | grad student | (Microtree) | |
Leland H. Hartwell | post-doc | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (Cell Biology Tree) | |
David Robinson Goodlett | post-doc | 2006-2010 | Fred Hutchison Cancer Center (Chemistry Tree) |
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Foss EJ, Radulovic D, Stirewalt DL, et al. (2012) Proteomic classification of acute leukemias by alignment-based quantitation of LC-MS/MS data sets. Journal of Proteome Research. 11: 5005-10 |
Foss EJ, Radulovic D, Shaffer SA, et al. (2011) Genetic variation shapes protein networks mainly through non-transcriptional mechanisms. Plos Biology. 9: e1001144 |
Foss EJ, Radulovic D, Shaffer SA, et al. (2007) Genetic basis of proteome variation in yeast. Nature Genetics. 39: 1369-75 |
Radulovic D, Jelveh S, Ryu S, et al. (2004) Informatics platform for global proteomic profiling and biomarker discovery using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 3: 984-97 |