Camilo Charron

University of Rennes 2 
"Camilo Charron"
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Petit J, Charron C, Mars F. (2023) Subjective risk and associated electrodermal activity of a self-driving car passenger in an urban shared space. Plos One. 18: e0289913
Petit J, Charron C, Mars F. (2021) Risk Assessment by a Passenger of an Autonomous Vehicle Among Pedestrians: Relationship Between Subjective and Physiological Measures. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. 2: 682119
Schnebelen D, Charron C, Mars F. (2021) Model-based estimation of the state of vehicle automation as derived from the driver's spontaneous visual strategies. Journal of Eye Movement Research. 12
Schnebelen D, Charron C, Mars F. (2020) Estimating the out-of-the-loop phenomenon from visual strategies during highly automated driving. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 148: 105776
Hoarau M, Charron C, Mars F. (2018) Revealing misleading schemes through operator activity analysis: A factory case study Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries. 28: 360-371
Milleville-Pennel I, Charron C. (2015) Do mental workload and presence experienced when driving a real car predispose drivers to simulator sickness? An exploratory study. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 74: 192-202
Milleville-Pennel I, Charron C. (2015) Driving for Real or on a Fixed-Base Simulator: Is It so Different? An Explorative Study Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 24: 74-91
Hoarau M, Charron C, Mars F. (2014) Activity analysis of expert and novice operators in a semi-automated manufacturing process Acm International Conference Proceeding Series
Mars F, Deroo M, Charron C. (2014) Driver adaptation to haptic shared control of the steering wheel Conference Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2014: 1505-1509
Charron C, Festoc A, Guéguen N. (2012) Do child pedestrians deliberately take risks when they are in a hurry? An experimental study on a simulator Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 15: 635-643
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