Bala S. C. Koritala, Dr. rer. nat
Affiliations: | 2020- | Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology | Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center |
2022- | Otolaryngology | University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, United States |
Biochemistry, Circadian Biology, Natural Variations, Oncology, Molecular Biology, EconomicsWebsite:
"Bala Koritala"Bio:
Dr. Bala S. C. Koritala is a research instructor at the Department of Otolaryngology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, OH, USA. His research goal is to understand the mysteries of molecular mechanisms associated with
circadian clock variation and its consequences with complex traits including pathology and fitness. Dr. Koritala received
his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Biotechnology at Bharath University, India in 2009. After he received his master’s degree
in Biotechnology at Amity University in 2011, Dr. Koritala headed to Germany to pursue his career in medical research. In
the process of exploring his research interest, he obtained another master’s degree in Biology at the Ludwig Maximilian
University of Munich. During this period, he found his research interests in understanding the importance of the circadian
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Sign in to add mentorMartha Merrow | grad student | 2013-2016 | Ludwig Maximilian University Munich |
Kwangwon Lee | post-doc | 2016-2020 | Rutgers University - Camden |
Shobhan B. Gaddameedhi | post-doc | 2018-2020 | Washington State University Spokane (Cell Biology Tree) |
David Smith | research scientist | 2020-2022 | Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorHans Van Dongen | collaborator | Washington State University Spokane |
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