Zhimin Chen

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Visual perception
"Zhimin Chen"
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Ortega J, Chen Z, Whitney D. (2023) Inferential Emotion Tracking reveals impaired context-based emotion processing in individuals with high Autism Quotient scores. Scientific Reports. 13: 8093
Ortega J, Chen Z, Whitney D. (2023) Serial dependence in emotion perception mirrors the autocorrelations in natural emotion statistics. Journal of Vision. 23: 12
Chen Z, Whitney D. (2020) Inferential emotion tracking (IET) reveals the critical role of context in emotion recognition. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Chen Z, Whitney D. (2020) Inferential affective tracking reveals the remarkable speed of context-based emotion perception. Cognition. 208: 104549
Han L, Yamanashi Leib A, Chen Z, et al. (2020) Holistic ensemble perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Chen Z, Whitney D. (2019) Tracking the affective state of unseen persons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chen Z, Whitney D. (2019) Visual context in emotion recognition is more powerful, prevalent and efficient than we thought Journal of Vision. 19
Chen Z, Denison RN, Whitney D, et al. (2018) Illusory occlusion affects stereoscopic depth perception. Scientific Reports. 8: 5297
Chen Z, Kosovicheva A, Wolfe B, et al. (2018) Unifying Visual Space Across the Left and Right Hemifields. Psychological Science. 956797617735534
Chen Z, Murakami I, Whitney D. (2018) Interhemispheric visual temporal order adaptation Journal of Vision. 18: 715
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