Yu Fang

Chiba University, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan 
Eye Movement; Visual Perception
"Yu Fang"
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Emoto M, Fang Y, Shioiri S. (2019) [papers] Viewers' Susceptibility to Image Blurs in Watching Ultra-high-definition TV Correlates with Their Dynamic Visual Acuity Ite Transactions On Media Technology and Applications. 7: 103-110
Fang Y, Gill C, Poletti M, et al. (2018) Monocular microsaccades: Do they really occur? Journal of Vision. 18: 18
Nakashima R, Fang Y, Hatori Y, et al. (2015) Saliency-based gaze prediction based on head direction. Vision Research
Fang Y, Nakashima R, Matsumiya K, et al. (2015) Eye-head coordination for visual cognitive processing. Plos One. 10: e0121035
Fang Y, Emoto M, Nakashima R, et al. (2015) [Paper] Eye-Position Distribution Depending on Head Orientation when Observing Movies on Ultrahigh-Definition Television Multimedia Tools and Applications. 3: 149-154
Fang Y, Nakashima R, Matsumiya K, et al. (2013) Contribution of head movements to gaze shift during visual search in a large visual field Journal of Vision. 13: 530-530
Fang Y, Nakashima R, Matsumiya K, et al. (2012) Eye position distribution depends on head orientation F1000research. 12: 1248-1248
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