Mojgan Daneshmand
Affiliations: | University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
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Baghelani M, Abbasi Z, Daneshmand M, et al. (2020) Non-invasive continuous-time glucose monitoring system using a chipless printable sensor based on split ring microwave resonators. Scientific Reports. 10: 12980 |
Abdolrazzaghi M, Daneshmand M. (2020) Multifunctional Ultrahigh Sensitive Microwave Planar Sensor to Monitor Mechanical Motion: Rotation, Displacement and Stretch. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 20 |
Zhou Q, Jones TR, Moghadas H, et al. (2020) Microfabrication of monolithic wafer-level miniaturized millimeter-wave air-filled half-mode waveguide filter based on the inward curving split ring resonator array. Nanotechnology. 31: 195202 |
Abbasi Z, Baghelani M, Daneshmand M. (2020) High-Resolution Chipless Tag RF Sensor Ieee Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques. 1-1 |
Hosseini N, Baghelani M, Daneshmand M. (2020) Selective Volume Fraction Sensing Using Resonant- Based Microwave Sensor and its Harmonics Ieee Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques. 68: 3958-3968 |
Der ET, Jones TR, Daneshmand M. (2020) Miniaturized 4 × 4 Butler Matrix and Tunable Phase Shifter Using Ridged Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Ieee Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques. 68: 3379-3388 |
Deif S, Daneshmand M. (2020) Long Array of Microwave Sensors for Real-Time Coating Defect Detection Ieee Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques. 68: 2856-2866 |
Deif S, Daneshmand M. (2020) Multiresonant Chipless RFID Array System for Coating Defect Detection and Corrosion Prediction Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics. 67: 8868-8877 |
Kazemi N, Abdolrazzaghi M, Musilek P, et al. (2020) A Temperature-Compensated High-Resolution Microwave Sensor Using Artificial Neural Network Ieee Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 30: 919-922 |
Jones TR, Daneshmand M. (2020) Microfabrication of a Monolithic Air-Filled Half-Mode Waveguide for Millimeter-Wave Applications Ieee Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 30: 343-346 |