Christine M. Gamble

Brown University, Providence, RI 
Visual perception, attention, motor control
"Christine Gamble"
Mean distance: 15.57 (cluster 23)
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Gamble C, Song JH. (2021) Modulation of visually guided action by the image and familiar sizes of real-world objects. Journal of Vision. 21: 1
Gamble CM, Song JH. (2017) Dynamic modulation of illusory and physical target size on separate and coordinated eye and hand movements. Journal of Vision. 17: 23
Gamble C, Song J. (2017) Congruency between perceptual and conceptual object size modulates visually-guided action Journal of Vision. 17: 18
McCarthy JD, Gamble C, Song J. (2016) Differential cortical responses to salience during perception and goal-directed action Journal of Vision. 16: 19
Gamble C, Song J. (2016) Impact of conscious versus unconscious distractors in pop-out visual search Journal of Vision. 16: 1319
Song JS, Im HY, Gamble C, et al. (2016) Effects of scene consistency in subliminally perceived visual stimuli Journal of Vision. 16: 1171
Gamble C, Song JH. (2015) Distinct influences of size-contrast illusion on action preparation and execution. Journal of Vision. 15: 595
Gamble C, Song J. (2014) Distinct patterns of size-contrast illusion effects in reaching and grasping movements Journal of Vision. 14: 408-408
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