Abbas Erfanian

Electrical engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) 
"Abbas Erfanian"
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Jafari E, Erfanian A. (2022) A Distributed Automatic Control Framework for Simultaneous Control of Torque and Cadence in Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 30: 1908-1919
Fathi Y, Erfanian A. (2022) Decoding Bilateral Hindlimb Kinematics From Cat Spinal Signals Using Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 801818
Yousefpour A, Erfanian A. (2021) A general framework for automatic closed-loop control of bladder voiding induced by intraspinal microstimulation in rats. Scientific Reports. 11: 3424
Fathi Y, Erfanian A. (2021) Decoding hindlimb kinematics from descending and ascending neural signals during cat locomotion. Journal of Neural Engineering
Farrokhi B, Erfanian A. (2020) A state-based probabilistic method for decoding hand position during movement from ECoG signals in non-human primate. Journal of Neural Engineering
Akbarian B, Erfanian A. (2020) A framework for seizure detection using effective connectivity, graph theory, and multi-level modular network Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 59: 101878
Bagheri A, Erfanian A, Abrishamifar A. (2020) Automatic tuning of the Class E power amplifier applied in inductive links during coil separation variations Aeu-International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 124: 153337
Jabbari M, Erfanian A. (2019) Estimation of Bladder Pressure and Volume from the Neural Activity of Lumbosacral Dorsal Horn Using a Long-Short-Term-Memory-based Deep Neural Network. Scientific Reports. 9: 18128
Fathi Y, Erfanian A. (2019) A probabilistic recurrent neural network for decoding hind limb kinematics from multi-segment recordings of the dorsal horn neurons. Journal of Neural Engineering
Rouhani E, Erfanian A. (2018) Block-based robust control of stepping using intraspinal microstimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering
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