Amy M LeMessurier
Affiliations: | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
somatosensory system, plasticity, sensory coding, barrel cortexGoogle:
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Wang HC, LeMessurier AM, Feldman DE. (2022) Tuning instability of non-columnar neurons in the salt-and-pepper whisker map in somatosensory cortex. Nature Communications. 13: 6611 |
LeMessurier AM, Laboy-Juárez KJ, McClain K, et al. (2019) Enrichment drives emergence of functional columns and improves sensory coding in the whisker map in L2/3 of mouse S1. Elife. 8 |
LeMessurier AM, Feldman DE. (2018) Plasticity of population coding in primary sensory cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 53: 50-56 |