Ernst Mayr

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Evolutionary Biology
"Ernst Mayr"
Mean distance: 17.63 (cluster 3)
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Hans Hass research assistant
Martin H. Moynihan research assistant 1943-1946 American Museum of Natural History
John Alcock grad student Harvard (Evolution Tree)
James Allen Keast grad student 1955 Harvard (Evolution Tree)
Abraham Fleminger grad student 1956 Harvard (Marine Ecology Tree)
Walter J Bock grad student 1959 Harvard (Evolution Tree)
Terrell H. Hamilton grad student 1960 Harvard (DevTree)
William John Smith grad student 1961 Harvard (Evolution Tree)
Robert L. Trivers grad student 1968-1972 Harvard
Frank J. Sulloway grad student 1970-2005 Harvard
Frank J. Sulloway grad student 1970-2005 Harvard
Robert H. Barth post-doc
Martin H. Moynihan post-doc 1955-1957 Harvard
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Mayr E. (2010) Commemorating the 20th century Darwin: Ernst Mayr's words and thoughts, five years later. Interview by Rob J. Kulathinal. Genome / National Research Council Canada = Gã©Nome / Conseil National De Recherches Canada. 53: 157-9
MAYR E, BOCK WJ. (2008) Provisional classifications v standard avian sequences: heuristics and communication in ornithology Ibis. 136: 12-18
Mayr E, Bock WJ. (2002) Classifications and other ordering systems Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 40: 169-194
Mayr E, Johnson NK. (2001) Is Spizella taverneri a species or a subspecies? Condor. 103: 418-419
Mayr E. (1997) Reminiscences from the first curator of the whitney-rothschild collection Bioessays. 19: 175-179
Mayr E. (1996) What Is a Species, and What Is Not? Philosophy of Science. 63: 262-277
Mayr E. (1992) A LOCAL FLORA AND THE BIOLOGICAL SPECIES CONCEPT American Journal of Botany. 79: 222-238
O'brien SJ, Mayr E. (1991) Bureaucratic mischief: recognizing endangered species and subspecies. Science (New York, N.Y.). 251: 1187-8
Vuilleumier F, Mayr E. (1987) New species of birds described from 1976 to 1980 Journal FüR Ornithologie. 128: 137-150
Mayr E. (1985) Weismann and evolution. Journal of the History of Biology. 18: 295-329
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