Stephen Pritchard
Affiliations: | Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia |
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Pritchard SC, Coltheart M, Marinus E, et al. (2018) A Computational Model of the Self-Teaching Hypothesis Based on the Dual-Route Cascaded Model of Reading. Cognitive Science |
Castles A, Polito V, Pritchard S, et al. (2018) Do nonword reading tests for children measure what we want them to? An analysis of year 2 error responses Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. 23: 153-165 |
Pritchard SC, Zopf R, Polito V, et al. (2016) Non-hierarchical Influence of Visual Form, Touch, and Position Cues on Embodiment, Agency, and Presence in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 1649 |
Pritchard SC, Coltheart M, Marinus E, et al. (2016) Modelling the implicit learning of phonological decoding from training on whole-word spellings and pronunciations Scientific Studies of Reading. 20: 49-63 |
Robidoux S, Pritchard SC. (2014) Hierarchical clustering analysis of reading aloud data: a new technique for evaluating the performance of computational models. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 267 |
Pritchard SC, Coltheart M, Palethorpe S, et al. (2012) Nonword reading: comparing dual-route cascaded and connectionist dual-process models with human data. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 38: 1268-88 |