Colin R. Sharpe
Affiliations: | University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom |
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Lerebours A, Robson S, Sharpe C, et al. (2020) Transcriptional changes in the ovaries of perch from Chernobyl. Environmental Science & Technology |
Lerebours A, Robson S, Sharpe C, et al. (2020) Subtle effects of radiation on embryo development of the 3-spined stickleback. Chemosphere. 248: 126005 |
Cardoso DL, Sharpe C. (2017) Relating protein functional diversity to cell type number identifies genes that determine dynamic aspects of chromatin organisation as potential contributors to organismal complexity. Plos One. 12 |
Short S, Peterkin T, Guille M, et al. (2015) Short linear motif acquisition, exon formation and alternative splicing determine a pathway to diversity for NCoR-family co-repressors. Open Biology. 5 |
Malartre M, Short S, Sharpe C. (2006) Xenopus embryos lacking specific isoforms of the corepressor SMRT develop abnormal heads. Developmental Biology. 292: 333-43 |
Shu X, Zeng Z, Eckmiller MS, et al. (2006) Developmental and tissue expression of Xenopus laevis RPGR. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 47: 348-56 |
Zeng Z, Sharpe CR, Simons JP, et al. (2006) The expression and alternative splicing of alpha-neurexins during Xenopus development. The International Journal of Developmental Biology. 50: 39-46 |
Short S, Malartre M, Sharpe C. (2005) SMRT has tissue-specific isoform profiles that include a form containing one CoRNR box. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 334: 845-52 |
Malartre M, Short S, Sharpe C. (2004) Alternative splicing generates multiple SMRT transcripts encoding conserved repressor domains linked to variable transcription factor interaction domains. Nucleic Acids Research. 32: 4676-86 |
Whitfield TT, Sharpe CR, Wylie CC. (1994) Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in Xenopus oocytes and embryos. Developmental Biology. 165: 731-734 |