Marja Liinasuo

2000-2008 University of Helsinki, Helsingfors, Finland 
"Marja Liinasuo"
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Salmimaa M, Häkkinen J, Liinasuo M, et al. (2009) Effect of number of views to the viewing experience with autostereoscopic 3‐D displays Journal of the Society For Information Display. 17: 449-458
Liinasuo M, Kojo I, Häkkinen J, et al. (2004) Visual completion of three-dimensional, chromatic, moving stimuli in humans. Neuroscience Letters. 354: 18-21
Liinasuo M, Kojo I, Häkkinen J, et al. (2000) Neon colour spreading in three-dimensional illusory objects in humans. Neuroscience Letters. 281: 119-122
Häkkinen J, Liinasuo M, Kojo I, et al. (1998) Three-dimensionally slanted illusory contours capture stereopsis Vision Research. 38: 3109-3115
Häkkinen J, Kojo I, Liinasuo M, et al. (1997) Illusory contours do not capture stereopsis - they just constrain the depth spreading Perception. 25: 182-182
Häkkinen J, Liinasuo M, Kojo I, et al. (1996) Is stereoscopic capture possible with three-dimensionally slanted or curved illusory surfaces? Perception. 25: 73-73
Kojo I, Liinasuo M, Rovamo J. (1994) Three-Dimensional Illusory Objects Produced by Rotation in Depth Perception. 23: 905-912
Kojo I, Liinasuo M, Rovamo J. (1993) Spatial and temporal properties of illusory figures Vision Research. 33: 897-901
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