Xavier Nicol
Affiliations: | Institut de la vision |
Developmental Neuroscience, Visual system, axon guidanceGoogle:
"Xavier Nicol"Mean distance: 14.44 (cluster 27) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPatricia Gaspar | grad student | INSERM, Paris | |
Nicholas C. Spitzer | post-doc | UCSD |
Sign in to add traineeAhlem Assali | grad student | Institut de la vision | |
Sarah Baudet | grad student | Institut de la vision | |
Alice Louail | grad student | Institut de la vision | |
Stefania Averaimo | post-doc | Institut de la vision | |
Oriol Ros | post-doc | Institut de la vision | |
Martijn C. Sierksma | post-doc | Institut de la vision |
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Baudet S, Zagar Y, Roche F, et al. (2023) Subcellular second messenger networks drive distinct repellent-induced axon behaviors. Nature Communications. 14: 3809 |
Ros O, Nicol X. (2022) Axon pathfinding and targeting: (R)evolution of insights from in vitro assays. Neuroscience |
Atkins M, Nicol X, Fassier C. (2022) Microtubule remodelling as a driving force of axon guidance and pruning. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology |
Fassier C, Nicol X. (2021) Retinal Axon Interplay for Binocular Mapping. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 679440 |
Fassier C, Nicol X. (2021) Retinal Axon Interplay for Binocular Mapping. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 679440 |
Goethals S, Sierksma MC, Nicol X, et al. (2021) Electrical match between initial segment and somatodendritic compartment for action potential backpropagation in retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Louail A, Assali A, Nicol X. (2021) Targeted electroporation of the ventro-temporal mouse retina. Star Protocols. 2: 100516 |
Louail A, Sierksma MC, Chaffiol A, et al. (2020) cAMP-Dependent Co-stabilization of Axonal Arbors from Adjacent Developing Neurons. Cell Reports. 33: 108220 |
Ros O, Baudet S, Zagar Y, et al. (2020) SpiCee: A Genetic Tool for Subcellular and Cell-Specific Calcium Manipulation. Cell Reports. 32: 107934 |
Baudet S, Bécret J, Nicol X. (2020) Approaches to Manipulate Ephrin-A:EphA Forward Signaling Pathway. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland). 13 |