Alexandre Lehmann, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, Multisensory Integration, Cortical and subcortical EEG, Consciousness, RhythmGoogle:
"Alexandre Lehmann"Mean distance: 13.95 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorAlain Berthoz | grad student | 2003-2008 | Collège de France CNRS |
Marc Schönwiesner | post-doc | 2009-2013 | Université de Montréal |
Pierre Rainville | post-doc | 2011-2013 | Université de Montréal |
Isabelle Peretz | post-doc | 2013-2013 | BRAMS, Montreal, Canada |
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Valentin O, Lehmann A, Nguyen D, et al. (2024) Integrating Emotion Perception in Rehabilitation Programs for Cochlear Implant Users: A Call for a More Comprehensive Approach. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-8 |
Paquette S, Gouin S, Lehmann A. (2024) Improving emotion perception in cochlear implant users: insights from machine learning analysis of EEG signals. Bmc Neurology. 24: 115 |
Intartaglia B, Zeitnouni AG, Lehmann A. (2022) Recording EEG in cochlear implant users: Guidelines for experimental design and data analysis for optimizing signal quality and minimizing artifacts. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 375: 109592 |
Alemi R, Nozaradan S, Lehmann A. (2021) Free-Field Cortical Steady-State Evoked Potentials in Cochlear Implant Users. Brain Topography |
Fournier P, Bigras C, Lehmann A, et al. (2021) Modulation of hyperacusis and tinnitus loudness in tinnitus patients with and without hearing loss following 3 weeks of acoustic stimulation: A proof-of-concept study. Progress in Brain Research. 262: 57-91 |
Alemi R, Lehmann A, Deroche MLD. (2021) Changes in Spoken and Sung Productions Following Adaptation to Pitch-shifted Auditory Feedback. Journal of Voice : Official Journal of the Voice Foundation |
Perez HDO, Dumas G, Lehmann A. (2020) Binaural beats through the auditory pathway: from brainstem to connectivity patterns. Eneuro |
Alemi R, Lehmann A. (2019) Middle Latency Responses to Optimized Chirps in Adult Cochlear Implant Users. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology |
Deroche MLD, Felezeu M, Paquette S, et al. (2019) Neurophysiological Differences in Emotional Processing by Cochlear Implant Users, Extending Beyond the Realm of Speech. Ear and Hearing |
Paquette S, Ahmed GD, Goffi-Gomez MV, et al. (2018) Musical and vocal emotion perception for cochlear implants users. Hearing Research |