Felix Polyakov

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 
Motor systems
"Felix Polyakov"
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Polyakov F. (2016) Affine differential geometry and smoothness maximization as tools for identifying geometric movement primitives. Biological Cybernetics
Sosnik R, Polyakov F, Flash T. (2010) Motor Sequences Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 1047-1056
Polyakov F, Drori R, Ben-Shaul Y, et al. (2009) A compact representation of drawing movements with sequences of parabolic primitives. Plos Computational Biology. 5: e1000427
Polyakov F, Stark E, Drori R, et al. (2009) Parabolic movement primitives and cortical states: merging optimality with geometric invariance. Biological Cybernetics. 100: 159-84
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