Tobi Delbruck
Affiliations: | Institute of Neuroinformatics Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
"Tobi Delbruck"Mean distance: 18.12 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add collaboratorGiacomo Indiveri | collaborator | 1994- | ETH/Uni Zurich |
Kynan Eng | collaborator | 2000- | ETH/Uni Zurich |
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Gallego G, Delbruck T, Orchard GM, et al. (2020) Event-based Vision: A Survey. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Liu S, Rueckauer B, Ceolini E, et al. (2019) Event-Driven Sensing for Efficient Perception: Vision and Audition Algorithms Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 36: 29-37 |
Chang RC, Lee GGC, Delbruck T, et al. (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue on the 1st IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS 2019) Ieee Journal On Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 9: 595-597 |
Lungu IA, Liu S, Delbruck T. (2019) Incremental Learning of Hand Symbols Using Event-Based Cameras Ieee Journal On Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 9: 690-696 |
Linares-Barranco A, Perez-Pena F, Moeys DP, et al. (2019) Low Latency Event-Based Filtering and Feature Extraction for Dynamic Vision Sensors in Real-Time FPGA Applications Ieee Access. 7: 134926-134942 |
Linares-Barranco A, Liu H, Rios-Navarro A, et al. (2018) Approaching Retinal Ganglion Cell Modeling and FPGA Implementation for Robotics. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 20 |
Aimar A, Mostafa H, Calabrese E, et al. (2018) NullHop: A Flexible Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator Based on Sparse Representations of Feature Maps. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
Moeys DP, Corradi F, Li C, et al. (2018) A Sensitive Dynamic and Active Pixel Vision Sensor for Color or Neural Imaging Applications. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 12: 123-136 |
Taverni G, Paul Moeys D, Li C, et al. (2018) Front and Back Illuminated Dynamic and Active Pixel Vision Sensors Comparison Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii: Express Briefs. 65: 677-681 |
Gallego G, Lund JEA, Mueggler E, et al. (2017) Event-based, 6-DOF Camera Tracking from Photometric Depth Maps. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |