Jeroen Smeets

Human Movement Sciences Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
motor control, perception
"Jeroen Smeets"
Mean distance: 14.45 (cluster 23)


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Dana H. Ballard grad student
Jan J. Denier van der Gon grad student 1987-1991 Utrecht
Casper Johannes Erkelens grad student 1987-1991 Utrecht
Han Collewijn post-doc 1991-1993 Erasmus University
Dana H. Ballard post-doc 1993-1993 Rochester


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Anne-Marie Brouwer grad student 1998-2002 Erasmus University
Krista E. Overvliet grad student 2003-2007 VU Amsterdam
Femke Maij grad student 2007-2011 VU Amsterdam
Nienke Debats grad student 2008-2012 VU Amsterdam
Dimitris Voudouris grad student 2008-2013
Devika Narain grad student 2009-2013 VU Amsterdam
Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenes grad student 2009-2013
Joan López-Moliner post-doc Erasmus MC
Harm Slijper post-doc 2002-2002 Erasmus MC
Maria Pilar Aivar post-doc 2002-2005 Erasmus MC
Robert J. van Beers post-doc 2002-2005 Erasmus MC
Myrthe A. Plaisier post-doc 2010-2011 VU Amsterdam


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Eli Brenner collaborator VU Amsterdam
Han Collewijn collaborator 1993-2001 Erasmus University
BETA: Related publications


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Brenner E, Smeets JBJ. (2024) Similar extrapolation of moving objects' locations for perception and saccades. Journal of Vision. 24: 7
Brenner E, Janssen M, de Wit N, et al. (2024) Running together influences where you look. Perception. 3010066241235112
Crowe EM, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E. (2023) Spatial contextual cues that help predict how a target will accelerate can be used to guide interception. Journal of Vision. 23: 7
Brenner E, Smeets JBJ. (2023) Continuous use of visual information about the position of the moving hand. Experimental Brain Research
Crowe EM, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E. (2023) Online updating of obstacle positions when intercepting a virtual target. Experimental Brain Research
Smeets JBJ, Brenner E. (2023) The cost of aiming for the best answers: Inconsistent perception. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 17: 1118240
Brenner E, van Straaten CAG, de Vries AJ, et al. (2023) How the timing of visual feedback influences goal-directed arm movements: delays and presentation rates. Experimental Brain Research. 241: 1447-1457
Brenner E, de la Malla C, Smeets JBJ. (2022) Tapping on a target: dealing with uncertainty about its position and motion. Experimental Brain Research
de la Malla C, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E. (2022) Pursuing a target with one's eyes helps judge its velocity. Perception. 51: 919-922
Crowe EM, Vellekoop P, van Meteren C, et al. (2022) How similar are responses to background motion and target displacements? Experimental Brain Research
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