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Ruth Campbell, B.A.,Ph.D.

Cognitive,Perceptual&Brain Sciences University College London, London, United Kingdom 
face processing,deafness,fMRI, spelling
"Ruth Campbell"
Mean distance: 16.42 (cluster 8)
Cross-listing: CSD Tree


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Max Coltheart grad student 1974-1979 Birkbeck College
 (At Birkbeck, University of London (NOT UCL))
Alan  D. Allport post-doc Oxford
 (At University of Reading)


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Yi-Ping Chen grad student Oxford
Tanya Denmark grad student UCL
Vasiliki Diamanti grad student UCL
Jordan Fenlon grad student UCL (LinguisTree)
Kate Lawrence grad student UCL
Mairead MacSweeney grad student Goldsmiths College
Elizabeth Milne grad student UCL
Tara Mohammed grad student UCL
Cheryl M. Capek post-doc UCL
Fiona Kyle post-doc City University London
Olivier Pascalis post-doc 1996-1997 Goldsmith College


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Joanna Atkinson collaborator UCL
Simon Baron-Cohen collaborator
Philip Benson collaborator University of Aberdeen, UK
Michael Brammer collaborator
Anthony David collaborator
Beatrice De Gelder collaborator
Edward De Haan collaborator
Barbara Dodd collaborator University of Queensland
Ann D. Dowker collaborator
charles a. heywood collaborator
Michael Lyons collaborator ATR Human Information Processing Labs
Salvador Soto-Faraco collaborator
John Swettenham collaborator
Theodor Landis collaborator 1982-
Mairead MacSweeney collaborator 1994-
Bencie Woll collaborator 1995- (LinguisTree)
Gemma A. Calvert collaborator 1995-2005 UCL
BETA: Related publications


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Sutcliffe A, Dowker A, Campbell R. (2019) Deaf children's spelling: does it show sensitivity to phonology? Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 4: 111-23
Denmark T, Atkinson J, Campbell R, et al. (2018) Signing with the Face: Emotional Expression in Narrative Production in Deaf Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Diamanti V, Goulandris N, Stuart M, et al. (2018) Tracking the effects of dyslexia in reading and spelling development: A longitudinal study of Greek readers. Dyslexia (Chichester, England)
Campbell R, Woll B. (2017) Sign, language, and gesture in the brain: Some comments. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 40: e49
Diamanti V, Goulandris N, Campbell R, et al. (2017) Dyslexia Profiles Across Orthographies Differing in Transparency: An Evaluation of Theoretical Predictions Contrasting English and Greek Scientific Studies of Reading. 22: 55-69
Lawrence K, Campbell R, Skuse DH. (2016) Can Children See Emotions in Faces? Frontiers For Young Minds. 4
Kyle FE, Campbell R, MacSweeney M. (2015) The relative contributions of speechreading and vocabulary to deaf and hearing children's reading ability. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 48: 13-24
Lawrence K, Campbell R, Skuse D. (2015) Age, gender, and puberty influence the development of facial emotion recognition. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 761
Campbell R, MacSweeney M, Woll B. (2014) Cochlear implantation (CI) for prelingual deafness: the relevance of studies of brain organization and the role of first language acquisition in considering outcome success. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 834
Denmark T, Atkinson J, Campbell R, et al. (2014) How do typically developing deaf children and deaf children with autism spectrum disorder use the face when comprehending emotional facial expressions in British sign language? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 44: 2584-92
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