Hans-Georg Geissler

1961-1962 University of Jena, Jena, Thüringen, Germany 
 1962-1982 Psychology Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany 
 1982-2001 Institute for Psychology Leipzig University, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany 
"Hans-Georg Geissler"

Educator, Psychologist
Recipient Wundt award
Organization Committee International Congress Psychology, Leipzig, 1980.
Member New York Academy of Sciences, Fechner Society Leipzig (science advisor since 1992), European Society Cognitive Psychology, German Psychology Society, Fachausschuss der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant reviewer 1992-1996).
Hans-Georg was born on July 2, 1935 in Dohna, Germany. Son of Georg and Charlotte (Lorbeer) Geissler.
Physics Diplomate, University Leipzig, Germany, 1960. Doctor rerum naturalium, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1970. Doctor of Natural Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1975.
Science assistant, Friedrich Schiller U., Jena, Germany, 1961-1962
Science assistant, Humboldt U., Berlin, 1962-1964; senior assistant, Humboldt U., Berlin, 1964-1976; assistant professor, Humboldt U., Berlin, 1976-1982;
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Friedhart Klix grad student 1970 HU Berlin
 (Source: https://prabook.com/web/hans-georg.geissler/42466)
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Lachmann T, Geissler HG. (2002) Memory search instead of template matching? Representation-guided inference in same-different performance. Acta Psychologica. 111: 283-307
Geissler H, Kompass R. (2001) Temporal constraints on binding? Evidence from quantal state transitions in perception Visual Cognition. 8: 679-696
Maltseva I, Geissler HG, BaÅŸar E. (2000) Alpha oscillations as an indicator of dynamic memory operations - anticipation of omitted stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 36: 185-97
Berti S, Geissler H, Lachmann T, et al. (2000) Event-related brain potentials dissociate visual working memory processes under categorial and identical comparison conditions. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 9: 147-55
Geissler H, Schebera F, Kompass R. (1999) Ultra-precise quantal timing: evidence from simultaneity thresholds in long-range apparent movement. Attention Perception & Psychophysics. 61: 707-726
Geissler H. (1987) The temporal architecture of central information processing: Evidence for a tentative time-quantum model Psychological Research. 49: 99-106
Buffart H, Geissler H. (1984) Task-Dependent Representation of Categories and Memory-Guided Inference During Classification Advances in Psychology. 20: 33-58
Geissler H, Puffe M. (1983) The Inferential Basis of Classification: From Perceptual to Memory Code Systems Advances in Psychology. 11: 87-124
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