Dora Brown

1999-2002 Psychology University of Surrey, Guildford, England, United Kingdom 
"Dora Brown"
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Dyson H, Brown D. (2016) The Experience of Mentalization-Based Treatment: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 1-10
Rose D, Brown D. (2015) Idealism and materialism in perception. Perception. 44: 423-35
Tickle A, Brown D, Hayward M. (2014) Can we risk recovery? A grounded theory of clinical psychologists' perceptions of risk and recovery-oriented mental health services Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 87: 96-110
King E, Brown D, Petch V, et al. (2014) Perceptions of support-seeking in young people attending a Youth Offending Team: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 19: 7-23
Kouriatis K, Brown D. (2013) Therapists' experience of loss: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Omega. 68: 89-109
Cigolla F, Brown D. (2011) A way of being: bringing mindfulness into individual therapy. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 21: 709-21
Kouriatis K, Brown D. (2011) Therapists’ Bereavement and Loss Experiences: A Literature Review Journal of Loss & Trauma. 16: 205-228
Goodliffe L, Hayward M, Brown D, et al. (2010) Group person-based cognitive therapy for distressing voices: views from the hearers. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 20: 447-61
Hadfield J, Brown D, Pembroke L, et al. (2009) Analysis of accident and emergency doctors' responses to treating people who self-harm. Qualitative Health Research. 19: 755-65
Brown D, Rose D, Lyons E. (2009) Self-generated expressions of residual complaints following brain injury Neurorehabilitation. 24: 175-183
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