Ruth Campbell

University College London 
Deafness, face processing, lipreading,neuropsychology, neuroimaging
"Ruth Campbell"
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Alan  D. Allport grad student
Max Coltheart grad student


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Barbara Dodd (University collaborator
Simon Baron-Cohen collaborator
Philip Benson collaborator
Michael Brammer collaborator
Gemma A. Calvert collaborator
Anthony David collaborator
Beatrice De Gelder collaborator
Theodor Landis collaborator
Mairead MacSweeney collaborator
Olivier Pascalis collaborator
John Swettenham collaborator
Bencie Woll collaborator (LinguisTree)
Edward De Haan collaborator 1986-
Derek Besner collaborator 1979-1982
Annette Karmiloff-Smith collaborator 1998-2004
BETA: Related publications


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Haeger SM, Okamura K, Li AS, et al. (2024) Cystatin C and Kidney Function Recovery in Patients Requiring Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : Cjasn
Freidin N, Campbell RC. (2024) Supporting Fellows during Pregnancy: Improvement Is Needed. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : Cjasn
Campbell R, Nelson MR, McNeill JJ, et al. (2024) Outcomes After Aspirin Discontinuation Among Baseline Users in Contemporary Primary Prevention Aspirin Trials: A Meta-Analysis. Circulation. 149: 722-724
Campbell R, Dewan S. (2023) Organizational Facilitation of Latino Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Impact of COVID-19. Health Equity. 7: 722-730
Campbell RE, Chen CH, Edelstein CL. (2023) Overview of Antibiotic-Induced Nephrotoxicity. Kidney International Reports. 8: 2211-2225
Colbert JF, Griffin BR, Rolloff K, et al. (2023) Hepcidin removal during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. Blood Purification
Campbell R, Curran C, Hayward J, et al. (2023) How effective is public health policy in Scotland on vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy? Public Health Nutrition. 1-9
Campbell R. (2023) Medical privilege in the law of evidence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The New Zealand Medical Journal. 136: 8-11
Sutcliffe A, Dowker A, Campbell R. (2019) Deaf children's spelling: does it show sensitivity to phonology? Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 4: 111-23
Denmark T, Atkinson J, Campbell R, et al. (2018) Signing with the Face: Emotional Expression in Narrative Production in Deaf Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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