Julie Kauer

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Julie Kauer"
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Brewer CL, Kauer JA. (2023) Low-frequency stimulation of Trpv1-lineage peripheral afferents potentiates the excitability of spino-periaqueductal gray projection neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Manning CE, Fritz M, Kauer JA. (2022) Function of Excitatory Periaqueductal Gray Synapses in the Ventral Tegmental Area following Inflammatory Injury. Eneuro. 9
Martinez Damonte V, Pomrenze MB, Manning CE, et al. (2022) Somatodendritic Release of Cholecystokinin Potentiates GABAergic Synapses Onto Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Cells. Biological Psychiatry
Baytas O, Kauer JA, Morrow EM. (2022) Loss of mitochondrial enzyme GPT2 causes early neurodegeneration in locus coeruleus. Neurobiology of Disease. 105831
Prakash M, Murphy J, St Laurent R, et al. (2022) Selective control of synaptically-connected circuit elements by all-optical synapses. Communications Biology. 5: 33
St Laurent R, Martinez Damonte V, Tsuda AC, et al. (2020) Periaqueductal Gray and Rostromedial Tegmental Inhibitory Afferents to VTA Have Distinct Synaptic Plasticity and Opiate Sensitivity. Neuron
St Laurent R, Kauer J. (2019) Synaptic Plasticity at Inhibitory Synapses in the Ventral Tegmental Area Depends upon Stimulation Site. Eneuro. 6
Kloc ML, Pradier B, Chirila AM, et al. (2019) NMDA receptor activation induces long-term potentiation of glycine synapses. Plos One. 14: e0222066
Pradier B, McCormick SJ, Tsuda AC, et al. (2019) Properties of neurons in the superficial laminae of trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Physiological Reports. 7: e14112
Kauer JA, Polter AM. (2019) Two-Pronged Control of the Dorsal Raphe by the VTA. Neuron. 101: 553-555
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