Sheena Potretzke, MS
Affiliations: | Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR |
Alcohol, neuropeptides, social neuroscienceGoogle:
"Sheena Potretzke"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAndrey E. Ryabinin | grad student | 2018- | OHSU |
Hans S. Crombag | grad student | 2011-2012 | The University of Sussex |
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Potretzke S, Zhang Y, Li J, et al. (2022) Male-selective effects of oxytocin agonism on alcohol intake: behavioral assessment in socially housed prairie voles and involvement of RAGE. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology |
Potretzke S, Robins MT, Ryabinin AE. (2020) Differential sensitivity of alcohol drinking and partner preference to a CRFR1 antagonist in prairie voles and mice. Hormones and Behavior. 120: 104676 |
Ozburn AR, Metten P, Potretzke S, et al. (2019) Effects of pharmacologically targeting neuroimmune pathways on alcohol drinking in mice selectively bred to drink to intoxication. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research |
Potretzke S, Ryabinin AE. (2019) The Prairie Vole Model of Pair-Bonding and Its Sensitivity to Addictive Substances. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2477 |
Potretzke S, Ryabinin AE. (2019) The Prairie Vole Model of Pair-Bonding and Its Sensitivity to Addictive Substances Frontiers in Psychology. 10 |