Deborah Talmi
Affiliations: | University of Manchester, Manchester, England, United Kingdom |
Psychology, Cognitive neuroscienceGoogle:
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de Montpellier E, Talmi D. (2023) Are multiple types of associative memory differently impacted by emotion? Cognition & Emotion. 1-24 |
Hellerstedt R, Bekinschtein T, Talmi D. (2023) Can neural correlates of encoding explain the context dependence of reward-enhanced memory? Psychophysiology. e14322 |
Riberto M, Paz R, Pobric G, et al. (2022) The neural representations of emotional experiences are more similar than those of neutral experiences. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Talmi D, Kavaliauskaite D, Daw ND. (2021) In for a penny, in for a pound: examining motivated memory through the lens of retrieved context models. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 28: 445-456 |
Riberto M, Pobric G, Talmi D. (2020) A Response to 'Investigating Emotional Similarity: A Comment on Riberto, Pobric and Talmi (2019)'. Brain Topography. 33: 288 |
Ionita CF, Talmi D, Taylor JR. (2020) Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 42: e289 |
Hornoiu I, Gigg J, Talmi D. (2019) Quantifying how much attention rodents allocate to motivationally-salient objects with a novel object preference test. Behavioural Brain Research. 380: 112389 |
Riberto M, Pobric G, Talmi D. (2019) The Emotional Facet of Subjective and Neural Indices of Similarity. Brain Topography |
Mattar MG, Talmi D. (2019) Patterns of Neural Oscillations in Emotional Memory Discrimination. Neuron. 102: 715-717 |
Talmi D, Lohnas LJ, Daw ND. (2019) A retrieved context model of the emotional modulation of memory. Psychological Review |