Kristin Bigos
Affiliations: | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
pharmacology, neuroimaging, genetics, psychiatryGoogle:
"Kristin Bigos"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorRobert Bies | grad student | (PHTree) | |
Patricia D. Kroboth | grad student | (Chemistry Tree) | |
Bruce Pollock | grad student | University of Toronto (CAMH) | |
Daniel R. Weinberger | post-doc |
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Li X, Sale M, Nieforth K, et al. (2023) pyDarwin: A Machine Learning Enhanced Automated Nonlinear Mixed-effect Model Selection Toolbox. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
Yu Y, Bigos KL, Marzinke MA, et al. (2022) A Population Pharmacokinetic Model Based on HPTN 077 of Long-acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV PrEP. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology |
Zink CF, Giegerich M, Prettyman GE, et al. (2020) Nimodipine improves cortical efficiency during working memory in healthy subjects. Translational Psychiatry. 10: 372 |
Heide J, Zhang F, Bigos KL, et al. (2015) Differential Response to Risperidone in Schizophrenia Patients by KCNH2 Genotype and Drug Metabolizer Status. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp201514050653 |
Dickinson D, Straub RE, Trampush JW, et al. (2014) Differential effects of common variants in SCN2A on general cognitive ability, brain physiology, and messenger RNA expression in schizophrenia cases and control individuals. Jama Psychiatry. 71: 647-56 |
Apud JA, Zhang F, Decot H, et al. (2012) Genetic variation in KCNH2 associated with expression in the brain of a unique hERG isoform modulates treatment response in patients with schizophrenia. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 169: 725-34 |
Bigos KL, Mattay VS, Callicott JH, et al. (2010) Genetic variation in CACNA1C affects brain circuitries related to mental illness. Archives of General Psychiatry. 67: 939-45 |
Bigos KL, Weinberger DR. (2010) Imaging genetics--days of future past. Neuroimage. 53: 804-9 |
Bigos KL, Pollock BG, Stankevich BA, et al. (2009) Sex differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antidepressants: an updated review. Gender Medicine. 6: 522-43 |
Rea RS, Capitano B, Bies R, et al. (2008) Suboptimal aminoglycoside dosing in critically ill patients. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 30: 674-81 |