Fabrice Guillaume

Psychology Aix-Marseille Université 
 2003 Psychology Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 
"Fabrice Guillaume"
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Guillaume F, Thomas É. (2021) Recollection and familiarity in schizophrenia:An ERP investigation using face recognition exclusion tasks. Psychiatry Research. 302: 113973
Guillaume F, Baier S, Etienne Y. (2020) An ERP investigation of item-scene incongruity at encoding on subsequent recognition. Psychophysiology. 57: e13534
Tinard S, Guillaume F. (2019) Age-Related Differences in the Impact of Prior Knowledge on Recognition Performance: A Face Recognition Study. Experimental Aging Research. 45: 154-166
Guillaume F, Tinard S, Baier S, et al. (2018) An ERP Investigation of Object-Scene Incongruity Journal of Psychophysiology. 32: 20-29
Guillaume F, Baier S, Bourgeois M, et al. (2017) Format change and semantic relatedness effects on the ERP correlates of recognition: old pairs, new pairs, different stories. Experimental Brain Research. 235: 1007-1019
Guillaume F, Tison C, Marzouki Y. (2015) The Interaction Between Memory Trace and Memory Judgment in Age-Related Decline. Experimental Aging Research. 41: 510-33
Guillaume F, Etienne Y. (2015) Target-context unitization effect on the familiarity-related FN400: a face recognition exclusion task. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 95: 345-54
Guillaume F, Thomas E, Faget C, et al. (2015) Perceptually or conceptually driven recognition: on the specificities of the memory deficit in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. 225: 493-500
Tiberghien G, Martin C, Baudouin JY, et al. (2015) Face recognition in schizophrenia: do individual and average ROCs tell the same story? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 20: 14-30
Fakra E, Jouve E, Guillaume F, et al. (2015) Relation between facial affect recognition and configural face processing in antipsychotic-free schizophrenia. Neuropsychology. 29: 197-204
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