Xinchi Yu

2020- Department of Linguistics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Xinchi Yu"
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Yan Bao research assistant 2018-2020 Peking University
Ernst Poeppel research assistant 2018-2020
Ellen F. Lau grad student 2020- University of Maryland
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Bao Y, Zhou B, Yu X, et al. (2024) Conscious vision in blindness: A new perceptual phenomenon implemented on the "wrong" side of the brain. Psych Journal
Yu X, Pöppel E, Zhan W, et al. (2024) Cognitive entailments among "the true, the good, the beautiful": a mainland Chinese sample. Cognitive Processing
Yu X, Li J, Zhu H, et al. (2024) Electrophysiological hallmarks for event relations and event roles in working memory. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17: 1282869
Yu X, Lau E. (2023) The Binding Problem 2.0: Beyond Perceptual Features. Cognitive Science. 47: e13244
Yu X, Bao Y. (2020) The three second time window in poems and language processing in general: Complementarity of discrete timing and temporal continuity. Psych Journal. 9: 429-443
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