James N Burdine

Public Health Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"James Burdine"
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Salinas M, Matarrita-Cascante D, Salinas JL, et al. (2021) Navigating healthcare systems before and after resettlement: Exploring experiences and recommendations for improvement from the perspectives of a Bhutanese refugee community. Journal of Migration and Health. 4: 100049
Prochaska JD, Jupiter DC, Horel S, et al. (2020) Rural-urban differences in estimated life expectancy associated with neighborhood-level cumulative social and environmental determinants. Preventive Medicine. 139: 106214
Callaghan T, Washburn DJ, Nimmons K, et al. (2019) Immigrant health access in Texas: policy, rhetoric, and fear in the Trump era Bmc Health Services Research. 19: 342
Appiah B, Burdine JN, Aftab A, et al. (2018) Determinants of Intention to Use Mobile Phone Caller Tunes to Promote Voluntary Blood Donation: Cross-Sectional Study. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 6: e117
Smith LU, Burdine JN. (2017) Community Health Assessment Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century: Implications for Professional Development. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : Jphmp. 23: S63-S64
Pennel CL, Burdine JN, Prochaska JD, et al. (2017) Common and Critical Components Among Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Planning Models. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : Jphmp. 23: S14-S21
Burdine JN, Felix MRJ. (2017) A Personal History of the Evolution of Health Status Assessment. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : Jphmp. 23: S9-S13
Burdine JN, Smith LU. (2017) Introduction: Why a Special Issue on "Community Health Assessment"? Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : Jphmp. 23: S1-S2
Garney WR, Wendel M, McLeroy K, et al. (2017) Using a Community Health Development Framework to Increase Community Capacity: A Multiple Case Study. Family & Community Health. 40: 18-23
Armstrong TW, Surya S, Elliott TR, et al. (2016) Depression and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Persons With Sensory Disabilities in a Health Professional Shortage Area. Rehabilitation Psychology
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