Ari Pakman

Columbia University, New York, NY 
statistical neuroscience
"Ari Pakman"
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Gabitto MI, Pakman A, Bikoff JB, et al. (2016) Bayesian Sparse Regression Analysis Documents the Diversity of Spinal Inhibitory Interneurons. Cell
Pakman A, Huggins J, Smith C, et al. (2014) Fast state-space methods for inferring dendritic synaptic connectivity. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 36: 415-43
Pakman A, Paninski L. (2014) Exact Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for truncated multivariate gaussians Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 23: 518-542
Pnevmatikakis EA, Merel J, Pakman A, et al. (2013) Bayesian spike inference from calcium imaging data Conference Record - Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 349-353
Pakman A, Rastelli L, Razamat SS. (2009) Extremal correlators and Hurwitz numbers in symmetric product orbifolds Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 80
Pakman A, Rastelli L, Razamat SS. (2009) Diagrams for symmetric product orbifolds Journal of High Energy Physics. 2009
Pakman A, Parnachev A. (2008) Topological entanglement entropy and holography Journal of High Energy Physics. 2008: 097-097
Pakman A. (2006) Liouville theory without an action Physics Letters B. 642: 263-269
Israel D, Kounnas C, Pakman A, et al. (2004) The partition function of the supersymmetric two-dimensional black hole and little string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2004: 33-33
Israël D, Pakman A, Troost J. (2004) Extended SL(2,Bbb R)/U(1) characters, or modular properties of a simple non-rational conformal field theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2004: 43-43
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