Natale R. Sciolino, PhD
Affiliations: | 2009-2014 | Neuroscience | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States |
2014-2020 | NIH/NIEHS | NIH/NIEHS, Durham, NC, United States | |
2021- | Physiology & Neurobiology | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
Neural circuits, motivated behavior, catecholamines, neuropeptides, locus coeruleusWebsite:
"Natale Sciolino"Mean distance: 15.62 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorAndrea G. Hohmann | grad student | 2008-2009 | University of Georgia |
David Weinshenker | grad student | 2008-2014 | Emory |
Philip V. Holmes | grad student | 2010-2014 | University of Georgia |
Patricia (Tricia) Jensen | post-doc | 2014- | NIEHS/NIH |
Sign in to add traineeOlivia Ann DePasquale | research assistant | ||
Madeline Hsiang | research assistant | 2019-2021 | NIH/NIEHS |
Qichen (Will) Fan | grad student | 2021- | University of Connecticut |
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Wilson LR, Plummer NW, Evsyukova IY, et al. (2023) Partial or Complete Loss of Norepinephrine Differentially Alters Contextual Fear and Catecholamine Release Dynamics in Hippocampal CA1. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 4: 51-60 |
Sciolino NR, Hsiang M, Mazzone CM, et al. (2022) Natural locus coeruleus dynamics during feeding. Science Advances. 8: eabn9134 |
Tillage RP, Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, et al. (2020) Elimination of galanin synthesis in noradrenergic neurons reduces galanin in select brain areas and promotes active coping behaviors. Brain Structure & Function |
Foster S, Sciolino N, Jensen P, et al. (2019) F205. Loss of Noradrenergic-Derived Galanin Enhances Opioid Reward and Reinforcement Biological Psychiatry. 85: S293 |
Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Chen YW, et al. (2016) Recombinase-Dependent Mouse Lines for Chemogenetic Activation of Genetically Defined Cell Types. Cell Reports |
Sciolino NR, Smith JM, Stranahan AM, et al. (2015) Galanin mediates features of neural and behavioral stress resilience afforded by exercise. Neuropharmacology. 89: 255-64 |
Ogbonmwan YE, Sciolino NR, Groves-Chapman JL, et al. (2015) The galanin receptor agonist, galnon, attenuates cocaine-induced reinstatement and dopamine overflow in the frontal cortex. Addiction Biology. 20: 701-13 |
Sciolino NR, Holmes PV. (2012) Exercise offers anxiolytic potential: a role for stress and brain noradrenergic-galaninergic mechanisms. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36: 1965-84 |
Sciolino NR, Dishman RK, Holmes PV. (2012) Voluntary exercise offers anxiolytic potential and amplifies galanin gene expression in the locus coeruleus of the rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 233: 191-200 |
Sciolino NR, Zhou W, Hohmann AG. (2011) Enhancement of endocannabinoid signaling with JZL184, an inhibitor of the 2-arachidonoylglycerol hydrolyzing enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase, produces anxiolytic effects under conditions of high environmental aversiveness in rats. Pharmacological Research : the Official Journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society. 64: 226-34 |