Sidney Ramos Santana, Ph.D.

Universidade Federal da Paraíba 
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Materials Science
"Sidney Ramos Santana ufpb"
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Ricardo Luiz Longo grad student 2002-2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil) (Chemistry Tree)
 (Ph.D. Advisor)


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Gerd Bruno Rocha collaborator Universidade Federal da Paraíba
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Maia JD, Urquiza Carvalho GA, Mangueira CP, et al. (2012) GPU Linear Algebra Libraries and GPGPU Programming for Accelerating MOPAC Semiempirical Quantum Chemistry Calculations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8: 3072-81
Capim SL, Santana SR, Oliveira BGd, et al. (2010) Revisiting the Origin of the Preferential p-p Stacking Conformation of the (+)-8-Phenylmenthyl Acrylate Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 21: 1718-1726
Leite ES, Santana SR, Hünenberger PH, et al. (2007) On the relative stabilities of the alkali cations 222 cryptates in the gas phase and in water-methanol solution. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 13: 1017-25
Santana SR, Borba FSL, Pedrosa GG, et al. (2006) Silver Diffusion and Clustering in Oxyfluoride Glasses Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design. 12: 101-110
Borba FSL, Santana SR, Longo RL. (2006) The Influence of the Interaction Potential on the Diffusion of Neutral Particles in Oxyfluoride Glasses Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design. 12: 93-99
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