Jakob Hohwy
Affiliations: | School of Philosophy | Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria, Australia |
"Jakob Hohwy"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorFrank Jackson | grad student | (Philosophy Tree) | |
Philip Pettit | grad student | (Philosophy Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeBryan Paton | grad student | Monash University | |
Noam Gordon | grad student | 2015-2018 | Monash University |
Julian Rodney Matthews | grad student | 2015-2018 | Monash University |
Rafik Hadfi | post-doc | ||
Roger Koenig-Robert | post-doc |
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Hanegraaf L, Paton B, Hohwy J, et al. (2023) Combining Novel Trait and Neurocognitive Frameworks to Parse Heterogeneity in Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality |
Hohwy J, Hebblewhite A, Drummond T. (2021) Events, Event Prediction, and Predictive Processing. Topics in Cognitive Science. 13: 252-255 |
Skewes JC, Kemp T, Paton B, et al. (2020) How are attention, learning, and social cognition related on the non-clinical autistic spectrum? Acta Psychologica. 210: 103157 |
Matthews J, Nagao K, Ding C, et al. (2020) Raised visual contrast thresholds with intact attention and metacognition in functional motor disorder. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 125: 161-174 |
Hohwy J. (2020) New directions in predictive processing Mind & Language. 35: 209-223 |
Perrykkad K, Hohwy J. (2020) Fidgeting as self-evidencing: A predictive processing account of non-goal-directed action New Ideas in Psychology. 56: 100750 |
Perrykkad K, Hohwy J. (2020) Modelling Me, Modelling You: the Autistic Self Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 7: 1-31 |
Marchi F, Hohwy J. (2020) The Intermediate Scope of Consciousness in the Predictive Mind Erkenntnis. 1-22 |
Parr T, Corcoran AW, Friston KJ, et al. (2019) Perceptual awareness and active inference. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2019: niz012 |
Gordon N, Hohwy J, Davidson MJ, et al. (2019) From intermodulation components to visual perception and cognition-a review. Neuroimage |