Frances V. Abbott
Affiliations: | Psychiatry | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
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Abbott FV. (2011) Neuroendocrine function and pain in aging men. Pain. 152: 1451-2 |
Lehoux CP, Abbott FV. (2011) Pain, sensory function, and neurogenic inflammatory response in young women with low mood. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 70: 241-9 |
Ocvirk R, Pearson Murphy BE, Franklin KB, et al. (2008) Antinociceptive profile of ring A-reduced progesterone metabolites in the formalin test. Pain. 138: 402-9 |
Pukall CF, Binik YM, Khalifé S, et al. (2002) Vestibular tactile and pain thresholds in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. Pain. 96: 163-75 |
Saddi GM, Abbott FV. (2000) The formalin test in the mouse: a parametric analysis of scoring properties. Pain. 89: 53-63 |
Abbott FV, Hellemans KG. (2000) Phenacetin, acetaminophen and dipyrone: analgesic and rewarding effects. Behavioural Brain Research. 112: 177-86 |
Pukall CF, Reissing ED, Binik YM, et al. (2000) New clinical and research perspectives on the sexual pain disorders Journal of Sex Education and Therapy. 25: 36-44 |
Abbott FV, Ocvirk R, Najafee R, et al. (1999) Improving the efficiency of the formalin test. Pain. 83: 561-569 |
Teng CJ, Abbott FV. (1998) The formalin test: a dose-response analysis at three developmental stages. Pain. 76: 337-347 |
Abbott FV, Hong Y, Blier P. (1998) Persisting sensitization of the behavioural response to formalin-induced injury in the rat through activation of serotonin2A receptors. Neuroscience. 77: 575-84 |