In Hae Lee

Columbia University, New York, NY 
"In Hae Lee"
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Lee IH, Lee AS, Kogan HV, et al. (2024) Temperature and photoperiod differentially impact maternal phenotypes in diapause egg-laying Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. 18: e0012626
Lee IH, Duvall LB. (2022) Maternally Instigated Diapause in : Coordinating Experience and Internal State for Survival in Variable Environments. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16: 778264
Lee IH, Procko C, Lu Y, et al. (2021) Stress-Induced Neural Plasticity Mediated by Glial GPCR REMO-1 Promotes C. elegans Adaptive Behavior. Cell Reports. 34: 108607
Popa SM, Moriyama RM, Caligioni CS, et al. (2013) Redundancy in Kiss1 expression safeguards reproduction in the mouse. Endocrinology. 154: 2784-94
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