Samuel W. Cochran

Department of Psychology East Texas State University 
"Samuel Cochran"
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Elkins GR, Cochran SW. (1978) Internal and External Locus of Control as Determinants of Decision Making in a Game of Skill Psychological Reports. 42: 1311-1314
Cochran SW. (1968) Rated association values of 251 colors Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. 7: 14-15
Cochran SW, Wickens DD. (1963) Supplementary report: Rated association values of numbers from 0–100 Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. 2: 373-374
Cochran SW, Wickens DD. (1963) Prediction of learning by group-rated association values versus individual-rated association values Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. 2: 509-512
WICKENS DD, COCHRAN SW. (1960) Conditioned stimulus flash rate and efficiency of conditioning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 53: 341-5
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