Xuanyu Wang

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany 
working memory, neural circuit dynamics
"Xuanyu Wang"
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Wang X, Shi S, Bao Y. (2023) Parallel processes of temporal control in the supplementary motor area and the frontoparietal circuit. Psych Journal
Zeng Y, Wang X, Silveira S, et al. (2022) Symmetric in the striate but asymmetric in the extrastriate cortex when processing three-quarter faces: Neural underpinnings for aesthetic appreciations. Psych Journal
Wang X, Simmank F, Zhang D, et al. (2020) Aesthetics as a common denominator for moral and commercial judgments. Psych Journal
Wang X, Bao Y. (2020) Rembrandt portraits: Implicitly detecting the original perspective. Psych Journal
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