John J. O'Dowd, BSc, PhD

Physiology, then Inst of Cardiovascular & Medical Sci  University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom 
"John O'Dowd"
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O'Dowd A, O'Dowd JJ, Miller DJ. (1996) The dipeptide carnosine constricts rabbit saphenous vein as a zinc complex apparently via a serotonergic receptor. The Journal of Physiology. 495: 535-43
McGrath JC, Brown CM, Daly CJ, et al. (1995) The relationship between the adrenoceptor and nonadrenoceptor-mediated effects of imidazoline- and imidazole-containing compounds. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 763: 591-605
O'Dowd A, O'Dowd JJ, O'Dowd JJ, et al. (1992) Analysis of novel imidazoles from isolated perfused rabbit heart by two high-performance liquid chromatographic methods. Journal of Chromatography. 577: 347-53
MacFarlane N, McMurray J, O'Dowd JJ, et al. (1991) Synergism of histidyl dipeptides as antioxidants. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 23: 1205-7
O'Dowd JJ, Cairns MT, Trainor M, et al. (1990) Analysis of carnosine, homocarnosine, and other histidyl derivatives in rat brain. Journal of Neurochemistry. 55: 446-52
O'Dowd JJ, Robins DJ, Miller DJ. (1988) Detection, characterisation, and quantification of carnosine and other histidyl derivatives in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 967: 241-9
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