Robin Piquet
Affiliations: | 2019- | Université de Bordeaux, Talence, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France |
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Piquet R, Faugère A, Parkes SL. (2023) A hippocampo-cortical pathway detects changes in the validity of an action as a predictor of reward. Current Biology : Cb. 34: 24-35.e4 |
Piquet R, Faugère A, Parkes SL. (2023) Contribution of dorsal versus ventral hippocampus to the hierarchical modulation of goal-directed actions in rats. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 58: 3737-3750 |
Morceau S, Piquet R, Wolff M, et al. (2019) Targeting Reciprocally Connected Brain Regions Through CAV-2 Mediated Interventions. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 12: 303 |