Dietmar Plenz

Section on Critical Brain Dynamics National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, United States 
Neural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems
"Dietmar Plenz"
Mean distance: 12.52 (cluster 17)


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Andreas Klaus grad student NIMH
Stephanie Regina Miller grad student University of Maryland
Timothy Bellay grad student 2005- NIMH
Hongdian Yang grad student 2006-2011 University of Maryland
Shan Yu post-doc 2007- NIH
Oren Shriki post-doc 2010- NIMH
John M. Beggs post-doc 1999-2003 NIMH/NIH
Jason N D Kerr post-doc 1999-2003 NIMH
Uwe Czubayko post-doc 2000-2004
Thomas Petermann post-doc 2005-2008 NIH
Elakkat Gireesh post-doc 2004-2009 NIH
Tara C. Thiagarajan post-doc 2004-2009 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Yann Le Franc post-doc 2006-2009 NIH
Hongdian Yang post-doc 2011-2012 NIMH, NIH
Craig V. Stewart research scientist NIMH


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Dante Renato Chialvo collaborator 2002- NIMH
Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski collaborator 2007- NIMH
Danko Nikolic collaborator 2007- NIMH
Rajarshi Roy collaborator 2007- NIMH
Patrick O. Kanold collaborator 2014-
Avrama Blackwell collaborator 2002-2009 NIMH
BETA: Related publications


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Srinivasan K, Ribeiro TL, Kells P, et al. (2024) The recovery of parabolic avalanches in spatially subsampled neuronal networks at criticality. Scientific Reports. 14: 19329
Sampaio Filho CIN, de Arcangelis L, Herrmann HJ, et al. (2024) Ising-like model replicating time-averaged spiking behaviour of in vitro neuronal networks. Scientific Reports. 14: 7002
Srinivasan K, Ribeiro TL, Kells P, et al. (2024) The recovery of parabolic avalanches in spatially subsampled neuronal networks at criticality. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Ribeiro TL, Jendrichovsky P, Yu S, et al. (2024) Trial-by-trial variability in cortical responses exhibits scaling of spatial correlations predicted from critical dynamics. Cell Reports. 43: 113762
Lombardi F, Herrmann HJ, Parrino L, et al. (2023) Beyond pulsed inhibition: Alpha oscillations modulate attenuation and amplification of neural activity in the awake resting state. Cell Reports. 42: 113162
Capek E, Ribeiro TL, Kells P, et al. (2023) Parabolic avalanche scaling in the synchronization of cortical cell assemblies. Nature Communications. 14: 2555
Martin DA, Ribeiro TL, Cannas SA, et al. (2021) Box scaling as a proxy of finite size correlations. Scientific Reports. 11: 15937
Miller SR, Yu S, Pajevic S, et al. (2021) Long-term stability of avalanche scaling and integrative network organization in prefrontal and premotor cortex. Network Neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 5: 505-526
Ribeiro TL, Chialvo DR, Plenz D. (2020) Scale-Free Dynamics in Animal Groups and Brain Networks. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 14: 591210
Bellay T, Shew WL, Yu S, et al. (2020) Selective Participation of Single Cortical Neurons in Neuronal Avalanches. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 14: 620052
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