Judith Wagner

Instituto de Neurociencias Fundacion Favaloro 
"Judith Wagner"
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Liao K, Walker MF, Joshi AC, et al. (2010) The linear vestibulo-ocular reflex, locomotion and falls in neurological disorders. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 28: 91-103
Jahn K, Wagner J, Deutschländer A, et al. (2009) Human hippocampal activation during stance and locomotion: fMRI study on healthy, blind, and vestibular-loss subjects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1164: 229-35
Wagner J, Stephan T, Kalla R, et al. (2008) Mind the bend: cerebral activations associated with mental imagery of walking along a curved path. Experimental Brain Research. 191: 247-55
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