Vidur Sabharwal

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India 
Axonal transport
"Vidur Sabharwal"
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Sabharwal V, Boyanapalli SPP, Shee A, et al. (2024) F-box protein FBXB-65 regulates anterograde transport of a Kinesin-3 motor UNC-104 through a PTM near its cargo-binding PH domain. Journal of Cell Science
Kulkarni SS, Sabharwal V, Sheoran S, et al. (2021) UNC-16 alters DLK-1 localization and negatively regulates actin and microtubule dynamics in Caenorhabditis elegans regenerating neurons. Genetics. 219
Sabharwal V, Koushika SP. (2019) Crowd Control: Effects of Physical Crowding on Cargo Movement in Healthy and Diseased Neurons. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 13: 470
Sure GR, Chatterjee A, Mishra N, et al. (2018) UNC-16/JIP3 and UNC-76/FEZ1 limit the density of mitochondria in C. elegans neurons by maintaining the balance of anterograde and retrograde mitochondrial transport. Scientific Reports. 8: 8938
Basu A, Dey S, Puri D, et al. (2017) let-7 miRNA controls CED-7 homotypic adhesion and EFF-1-mediated axonal self-fusion to restore touch sensation following injury. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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