Andrea Toledo
Affiliations: | Cell Biology | Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la Republica |
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Sign in to add mentorCristina Arruti | grad student | Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la Republica | |
Stephan Baader | post-doc | Bonn Universitat | |
Olivier Thoumine | post-doc | Université de Bordeaux |
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Toledo A, Letellier M, Bimbi G, et al. (2022) MDGAs are fast-diffusing molecules that delay excitatory synapse development by altering neuroligin behavior. Elife. 11 |
Oku S, Feng H, Connor S, et al. (2020) Alternative splicing at neuroligin site A regulates glycan interaction and synaptogenic activity. Elife. 9 |
Toledo A, Grieger E, Karram K, et al. (2018) Neurofibromatosis type 2 tumor suppressor protein is expressed in oligodendrocytes and regulates cell proliferation and process formation. Plos One. 13: e0196726 |
Schulz A, Büttner R, Toledo A, et al. (2016) Neuron-Specific Deletion of the Nf2 Tumor Suppressor Impairs Functional Nerve Regeneration. Plos One. 11: e0159718 |
Contreras-Vallejos E, Utreras E, Bórquez DA, et al. (2014) Searching for novel Cdk5 substrates in brain by comparative phosphoproteomics of wild type and Cdk5-/- mice. Plos One. 9: e90363 |
Tinoco LW, Fraga JL, Anobom CD, et al. (2014) Structural characterization of a neuroblast-specific phosphorylated region of MARCKS. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1844: 837-49 |
Toledo A, Zolessi FR, Arruti C. (2013) A novel effect of MARCKS phosphorylation by activated PKC: the dephosphorylation of its serine 25 in chick neuroblasts. Plos One. 8: e62863 |
Toledo A, Arruti C. (2009) Actin modulation of a MARCKS phosphorylation site located outside the effector domain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 383: 353-7 |