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Ulbe G. Bijlsma grad student 1962 Utrecht (Chemistry Tree)
Henricus Cornelius Rümke grad student 1962 Utrecht
 (Een kritisch onderzoek naar de betekenis van monoamineoxydase-remming als therapeutisch principe bij de behandeling van depressies)


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Jaap Korf grad student 1971 RUG
Willem M.A. Verhoeven grad student 1983 UMC Utrecht
René S. Kahn grad student 1990 Utrecht
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Tuinier S, Verhoeven WM, van Praag HM. (1995) Cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid and aggression: a critical reappraisal of the clinical data. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 10: 147-56
Kahn RS, van Praag HM. (1992) Panic disorder: a biological perspective. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2: 1-20
Kalus O, Wetzler S, Kahn RS, et al. (1992) A dose-response study of intravenous m-chlorophenylpiperazine in normal subjects. Psychopharmacology. 106: 388-90
Asnis GM, Wetzler S, Sanderson WC, et al. (1992) Functional interrelationship of serotonin and norepinephrine: cortisol response to MCPP and DMI in patients with panic disorder, patients with depression, and normal control subjects. Psychiatry Research. 43: 65-76
Wetzler S, Kahn RS, Asnis GM, et al. (1991) Serotonin receptor sensitivity and aggression. Psychiatry Research. 37: 271-9
Iqbal N, Asnis GM, Wetzler S, et al. (1991) The MCPP challenge test in schizophrenia: hormonal and behavioral responses. Biological Psychiatry. 30: 770-8
Kahn RS, Wetzler S, Asnis GM, et al. (1991) Pituitary hormone responses to meta-chlorophenylpiperazine in panic disorder and healthy control subjects. Psychiatry Research. 37: 25-34
Kahn RS, van Praag HM. (1990) Panic disorder: a presynaptic serotonin defect? Psychiatry Research. 31: 209-10
Wetzler S, Kahn RS, Cahn W, et al. (1990) Psychological test characteristics of depressed and panic patients. Psychiatry Research. 31: 179-92
Van Praag HM, Asnis GM, Kahn RS, et al. (1990) Nosological tunnel vision in biological psychiatry. A plea for a functional psychopathology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 600: 501-10
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