Takeyuki Miyawaki, Ph.D.

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 
"Takeyuki Miyawaki"
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Yuji Ikegaya grad student
George  M. Church post-doc (Chemistry Tree)
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Miyawaki T, Morikawa S, Susaki EA, et al. (2020) Visualization and molecular characterization of whole-brain vascular networks with capillary resolution. Nature Communications. 11: 1104
Sato Y, Miyawaki T, Ouchi A, et al. (2019) Quick visualization of neurons in brain tissues using an optical clearing technique. Anatomical Science International
Miyawaki T, Norimoto H, Ishikawa T, et al. (2014) Dopamine receptor activation reorganizes neuronal ensembles during hippocampal sharp waves in vitro. Plos One. 9: e104438
Norimoto H, Matsumoto N, Miyawaki T, et al. (2013) Subicular activation preceding hippocampal ripples in vitro. Scientific Reports. 3: 2696
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