Willem van Tilburg
Affiliations: | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Clinical psychiatryWebsite:
"Willem van Tilburg"Mean distance: 19.71 (cluster 48)
Sign in to add mentorFrans C. Stam | grad student | 1970 | VU Amsterdam | |
('Pink spot' en schizofrenie) |
Sign in to add traineeSiegfried Tuinier | grad student | 1989 | |
Gerrit F. Koerselman | grad student | 1990 | VU Amsterdam |
Robert A. Schoevers | grad student | 2005 | VU Amsterdam |
Piet Eikelenboom | post-doc | 1983 | Valeriuskliniek, Amsterdam |
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Braam AW, Schaap-Jonker H, van der Horst MH, et al. (2014) Twelve-year history of late-life depression and subsequent feelings to God. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association For Geriatric Psychiatry. 22: 1272-81 |
Sonnenberg CM, Bierman EJ, Deeg DJ, et al. (2012) Ten-year trends in benzodiazepine use in the Dutch population. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 47: 293-301 |
Koerselman GF, Smit JH, van Tilburg W. (2011) [A study of job satisfaction among Dutch psychiatrists]. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 53: 393-403 |
Stikker TE, Schoevers RA, Swinkels JA, et al. (2008) [The judge follows the advice of the psychiatrist; an investigation into the jurisprudence concerning compulsory admission requests and decisions under the Dutch Act on Special Admissions to Psychiatric Hospitals (Bopz)]. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 50: 567-77 |
Sonnenberg CM, Deeg DJ, Comijs HC, et al. (2008) Trends in antidepressant use in the older population: results from the LASA-study over a period of 10 years. Journal of Affective Disorders. 111: 299-305 |
Schoevers RA, Stikker TE, Mulder CL, et al. (2008) Reply of Van der Heijden and Schlösser | Antwoord aan Van der Heijden en Schlösser Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 50: 841-842 |
Braam AW, Deeg DJ, Poppelaars JL, et al. (2007) Prayer and depressive symptoms in a period of secularization: patterns among older adults in the Netherlands. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association For Geriatric Psychiatry. 15: 273-81 |
Kerssens CJ, Pijnenburg YA, Schouws S, et al. (2006) [The development of psychotic symptoms in later life: late-onset schizophrenia or frontotemporal dementia? A case study]. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 48: 739-44 |
Kerssens CJ, Pijnenburg YA, Schouws S, et al. (2006) [Late-onset schizophrenia: is it a dementia nonpraecox? Review article with advice on differential diagnosis]. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie. 48: 717-27 |
Schoevers RA, Smit F, Deeg DJ, et al. (2006) Prevention of late-life depression in primary care: do we know where to begin? The American Journal of Psychiatry. 163: 1611-21 |