Ephrem Abebe
Affiliations: | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
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Holden RJ, Abebe E, Russ-Jara AL, et al. (2021) Human factors and ergonomics methods for pharmacy research and clinical practice. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy : Rsap |
Abebe E, Scanlon MC, Lee KJ, et al. (2020) What do family caregivers do when managing medications for their children with medical complexity? Applied Ergonomics. 87: 103108 |
Reddy A, Abebe E, Rivera AJ, et al. (2018) Interruptions in community pharmacies: Frequency, sources, and mitigation strategies. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy : Rsap |
Abebe E, Stone JA, Lester CA, et al. (2017) Quality of Handoffs in Community Pharmacies. Journal of Patient Safety |